Solar Cell Home
Solar cell homes are just the start of the ongoing and rapid growth ofthis emerging and eco-friendly advocacy to protect the planet fromfurther destruction. Let us stop digging the earth for small packets fossil fuels and startlooking up to the sky. As long as there is the Earth and the Sun, solarenergy will be infinite. A solar cell home is just a small step in theright direction.
The increase of the world�s population has brought about an increasein the growth of the world economy and an exponential increase on thedemand for electricity.� Today, electricity has become a commodity wecan�t live without. For years, fossil fuels like coal and oil providedus with the necessary resources to produce our own electricity with theuse of generators in power plants. As soon as we started to realize thatnot only were these fossil fuels not limitless, but that the harvestingand usage of these fuels was having damaging effects upon the Earth andour lives, research has moved towards the development of safer andcleaner energy sources. One of the promising energy sources involves theutilization of solar radiation to harness the sun�s energy and generateelectrical energy for our daily needs. Believe it or not, one measlyhour of the sun�s energy hitting the Earth is equivalent to the energyconsumption of the entire human race for one year.� With the massive andinexhaustible energy of the sun to consider, a new trend ofconstruction and energy conservation is rising, including theintroduction of more and more solar cell homes.
Solar panel utilization has long been recognized as a means toprovide an alternative energy resource and eventually free us from ourdependence on fossil fuels. Large industries have invested in thedevelopment and research of this new technology, and advocacy forcleaner energy resources and cheaper commercialized solar panelsproduction has brought this technology to households and small scaleindustries.
European countries like Germany, Denmark and Norway spearheaded theintegration of solar panel equipment into the construction of householdsand structures. Solar cell homes are becoming a major trend ineco-friendly household areas in these countries. A major example is thefirst eco-friendly district in the world in Friedrich, Germany, where5000 people utilize solar cell homes, specially designed to maximize sunradiation on the rooftops. The solar panels or arrays are integratedinto the rooftops to harness the sun�s energy and provide eco-friendlysolutions. Other major countries as well are starting to join theadvocacy for solar panel utilization. Mumbai, India is one of suchcities to join the latest trend.
Moreover, since the technology of solar energy utilization isemerging and promising, more and more commercial industries are startingto invest in this new technology. Because of the rapid growth of thetechnology, households are also starting to invest in the long termbenefits of solar panels. Solar cell homes are becoming the new standardin eco-friendly building integration and construction.
Solar cell homes are just the start of the ongoing and rapid growthof this emerging and eco-friendly advocacy to protect the planet fromfurther destruction. Although at present, solar panel installations arecostly, it is a small effort considering the damage we have alreadyinflicted upon the Earth. Moreover, considering the long term effects ofalternative energy, the benefits are much higher compared to fossilfuel burning. Let us stop digging the earth for small packets fossilfuels and start looking up to the sky. As long as there is the Earth andthe Sun, solar energy will be infinite. A solar cell home is just asmall step in the right direction.
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